Friday, May 02, 2014

Thank you Time for a mention of QuiteBasic today.

In the article "Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal", Harry McCracken, tells the story about BASIC and in one section retells the story about David Brin's Salon article and QuiteBASIC.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Hello Colombia!

For some time now, there has been lots of QuiteBASIC activity from Colombia. I can see that folks are really creating their own programs and running them. This is great! If you are one of those Colombians, feel free to to leave a comment here and tell everyone what you are up to!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New debugging stuff!

Today I improved debugging a bit.

First, when you step through a program, QuiteBASIC will scroll the program text so that the current line is visible and it will highlight the line number so it is easy to see.

Second, I added a new button "go to cursor". To use it, place the cursor somewhere in your program where you want to stop execution and the click the button. QuiteBASIC will run normally until it reaches the line with the cursor.

This stuff had been quite often requested, but it was a little tricky to pull off in JavaScript. Anyway, here it is now!

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Something is up in Ardmore, Oklahoma

The last two weeks, the traffic has increased a lot from this town. Not weekends though, only weekdays. Citizens of Ardmore, welcome to QuiteBASIC!

Friday, March 04, 2011

IE9 and Chrome are neck-and-neck!

QuiteBASIC is quite a challenge for web browsers. The BASIC interpreter runs in Javascript and the DOM gets thoroughly exercised by the graphics (a HTML table where each pixel is a cell). Until today Chrome always had an edge on IE and other browsers.

But today I installed IE9 RC and it is fast!

Chrome 9 and IE9 are actually virtually neck-and-neck in terms of speed on all projects I tried with IE9 just a tiny bit faster.

The Brute force solution for the Eight Queens problem runs in 6 seconds in both bowsers.
The Bifurcations Math project runs in 6 seconds on IE9 and 7 seconds on Chrome.

And the picture below shows how far the Mandelbrot program got in one minute -- slightly longer (that means faster) on IE9.

In the picture it is also easy to appreciate the compact chrome of IE9. It takes much less screen real-estate than Chrome.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Starting 2011 with a UI Refresh

It has been quiet here for a while, but today QuiteBASIC gets its first major UI refresh since it was launched back in 2006!

The new UI is more compact and is designed to make it easier to work on writing programs. Under the hood are also some exciting changes that lay the foundation for new features that will roll out later this year...

There are also some bug-fixes and full support for Chrome which didn't exist in 2006!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quite BASIC Video Introduction